How to make a successful infographic

Sep 24, 2012

This is the translation of an infographic we published in French a few days ago. 


Some of you may not agree with some of these ideas, particularly the height in pixel. We saw recently an infographic which  is more than 9000 px tall. This is totally insane in our view. 

As for text, too many people use infographics as they use Word. "Infographic" contains the word "graphic" for a good reason. IF you need to use text, use text and add some images in your HTML or PHP or whatever, page. We wrote a post about mediocre infographics in French..

The translation of this infographic may be not perfect, but it contains such a typical fragrance of french content marketing that we will leave it as is. Thanks for your understanding.

If you want to learn more check out this awesome post "How to create an infographic for less than $500" on SEOMOZ.

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